Jual Alat Lab Tanah, Jual Alat Lab Beton, Jual Alat Lab Aspal, Jual Sand Cone, Harga Sand Cone, Info Sand Cone Test
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Sand Cone Test Pemeriksaan Kepadatan Tanah Di lapangan
ASTM D-1556 / AASHTO T-191, According Standard R-SNI 2828 :200
For determining the density of compacted soil in place.
Consist of :
- Sand Cone Bottle : Plastic, 4 ltr. capacity. approx.
- Sand Cone Funnel : Seamless metal, turning stopper, 6 1/2″ diameter bottom, 1/2 neck diameter.
- Base Plate : Cast alumunium, 12″ x 12″.
- Graduated Sand : Uncemented sand, passing # 10, retained # 60, 25 kg cap.
- Sample Can : Round can, tinned metal.
- Scoop : Cast alumunium, large size, round buttom.
- Spoon :Stainless steel, large size.
- Trowel : Pointed type, wooden handle.
- Chisel : Hardened steel, 30 cm length.
- Rubber Mallet : Rubber head, 0.5 Kg weight, wooden handle.
Dimension (l x w x h): 70 x 50 x 50 cm / Gross weight: 50 Kg
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