Kami salah satu Toko Online di Jkarta menjual berbagai macam Alat Alat Ukur
dan Survey, Alat Teknik Sipil, GPS, Alat Geologi, GPS, dan Sirine, Alat Lab
Produk yang ditawarkan :
Total Station. Waterpass. Theodolite Digital. Hammer test. Anemometer.Anggle
Meter.Lux Meter. Sound Level. Kompas. Clinometer. Weather Station. GPS
Geodetik. GPS Map. GPS Echosounder. Abney Level. Rain Gauge / Curah Hujan.
Sirine. Levelling Laser. Fusion Splicer. Digipas. Laser Meter.Meteran.
Waterpass Digital. Coating Thiknes. Thermometer. Thermo hygrometer.
SIRINE.Kompas, Clinometer, Abney Level, Flowacth, Laser Range Finde,Fusion
Splicer, Sand Cone test, DCP, Palu geologi, Loupe, Batre dan Charger, Tripod,
Prisma Polygon, Single Prisma, mini Prisma, Bak Ukur, Range Pole, Kabel Data,DO
meter, FLIR, Dll masih banyak lagi pokonya.
The Suunto KB-14 hand-held precision compasses are used all over the
world by foresters, surveyors, engineers, cartographers, geologists,
miners and architects and many others to measure bearings quickly,
reliably and easily.
- Accurate measurement of directions
- Optical reading of card for higher accuracy
- Threads for tripod mount for stable operation
- Accuracy 1/3°
- Graduation interval 0.5°
- Scale: Azimuth 360°, Reversed 360°
- Adjustable diopter
- Saphire bearing
- Liquid filled capsule for stable operation
- Anodized light-alloy housing
- Nylon pouch with belt-loop
- Lanyard
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Untuk Informasi harga dan stok anda bisa langsung hubungi 082217294199 email atantan.margasetia@gmail.com