No. Rek. 1781-2705-18 @Dodi Hidayat |
No. Rek. 118-000-7389-603 @Dodi Hidayat |
DepthSounder HONDEX PS-7, Jual DepthSounder HONDEX PS-7, Harga DepthSounder HONDEX PS-7, Spek DepthSounder HONDEX PS-7, Info DepthSounder HONDEX PS-7, Tempat Jual DepthSounder HONDEX PS-7
Model No. PS-7
Number of channels : 1
Frequency : 200kHz
Measurement target : Bottom underwater surface
Measurement range : 0.6 - 80 m
Survey directive angle (half of full angle of sound pressure) : 24°
Power source : 9V DC (006P dry-cell battery)
Display : LCD (with backlight)
Ambient operating temperature : 0 to 50℃
Dimensions (mm) : dia. 42 x 198
Weight : 190 g
TantanTeknik tempat Jual berbagai macam alat alat ukur, Alat survey, Alat Lab Tanah dan Beton, GPS, dan Sirine, Instruments Digital TantanTeknik Jual :
No. Rek. 1781-2705-18 @Dodi Hidayat |
No. Rek. 118-000-7389-603 @Dodi Hidayat |
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